Dr. Marcos Vargas

Dr. Marcos Vargas attended Cayetano Heredia University School of Dentistry in Lima, Peru and graduated in 1985. He spent two years, 1990 to 1992, in the AEGD program at the Eastman Dental Center in Rochester, New York. Dr. Vargas received his Certificate and master’s degree in Operative Dentistry in 1994 at the University of Iowa where he is currently a Professor in the Department of Family Dentistry. His primary research interests are in dental materials including glass ionomers, dentin bonding, composite resins, and esthetic dentistry. Dr. Vargas is also recognized for his expertise of Direct Restorative Treatment Procedures and conducts numerous lecture and hands-on seminars in the US and internationally. He has published extensively in dental adhesion and resin composites for over 25 years. He maintains a private practice limited to Operative Dentistry with an emphasis on aesthetic dentistry

Elevating your everyday restorative practice –Direct Composites

Direct resin composites are a very important part of any dental practice nowadays. Thes restorations provide patients with minimally invasive restorations that preserve tooth structure while providing esthetics, longevity and function; they are personally rewarding and cost effective. However, dental practitioners face difficulties while bonding, placing, and finishing these restorations. This presentation will provide tips and techniques for predictable and sensitivity-free bonded restorations in daily practice, it will provide guidelines for shade selection, cavity preparation, layering style, how to achieve achieving proximal contacts and contouring and polishing to obtain functional and esthetic restorations. A step-by-step approach will be used to present how to achieve excellence in bonding and in various direct restorations including, direct veneers, Class IVs, diastema closure and black triangles

Learning objectives

  • Utilize adhesives to obtain sensitivity-free restorations.
  • Select a direct resin composite for esthetics restorations.
  • Produce ideal proximal contact in direct veneers.
  • Close black triangles.
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