Dr. John Burgess
Maintaining the Worn Dentition: Learn the Latest in Ceramics, Whitening, Provisionals and More

Friday, January 10, 2020

7:00 am Registration and Breakfast
8:00 am – 3:30 pm with lunch served

TOPIC: Maintaining the Worn Dentition: Learn the Latest in Ceramics, Whitening, Provisionals and More

VENUE: Edina Country Club, 5100 Wooddale Ave, Edina

Course Description:
Successful Techniques for Whitening Discolored Teeth. (2 hours) From a little whiter to extreme white, this presentation covers a wide range of clinical cases and includes techniques that produce whiter teeth for most people. Successful techniques for bleaching vital and non-vital discolored teeth are demonstrated in a detailed step by step series of techniques. For example chair side, abrasive, and home bleaching techniques will be discussed as well as success experienced in combination applications. Bleaching difficult cases will be shown (tetracycline and other) and methods to obtain whiter teeth for these patients will be revealed. Chairside high intensity halogen light bleaching success with the Zoom and Rembrandt Lighten will be shown and discussed. Effective methods to decrease cold sensitivity will be demonstrated.

Provisionals. (1 hour) Making esthetic provisionals with automixing bis aryl and methacrylate provisional materials are compared. The results demonstrating what materials should be used in what situation may surprise you. A comparison of light cured, chemically cured, and dual cured materials used to fabricate accurate provisional restorations will be presented. An esthetic malleable single unit provisional restoration will be presented. Advantages and disadvantages of these newer materials will be discussed. Flexible provisional restorations for inlays and onlays with easily fabricated VLC materials are shown.

Ceramics. (2.5 hours) If you are placing all ceramic restorations you should hear this presentation. Ceramic materials have evolved from weaker feldspathetic porcelain to high strength more translucent zirconia materials. Veneers, inlays and resin bonded all ceramic fixed partial dentures will be shown. Do zirconia restorations produce significant enamel wear on opposing enamel? Are they viable restorative materials and how much occlusial reduction is necessary and what margin design is best to produce viable restorations with all ceramic materials? How to bond and when to cement all ceramic restorations will be detailed in step by step illustrations. Lithium dislocate, full contour zirconia and feldspathetic porcelain materiais, will be compared using their mechanical and physical properties. Translucent zirconia will be examined as well as cases of each type of zirconia shown. Indications, where to use these materials and contraindications will be discussed. The most effective cutting instruments for removing zirconia will be shown and compared. All this and nice cases as well.

Maintaining the restored dentition. (1.5 hours) Ever had a patient whose name on the appointment schedule strikes fear into your heart because your recently placed dentistry is failing?. Not only do you not want to show this case to anyone, would you like to hide them? Beginning with an easy to use caries risk assessment to quickly identify at risk patients, this lecture discusses factors which increase tooth decay and details in a logical step by step manner how to motivate patients to remove those factors. Useful oral hygiene instruments, modifications and using remineralizing agents like bioactive materials, resin infusing materials like ICON are detailed for at home and office use to treat those patients who are caries prone. But that is just the start as new materials have developed with significantly different mechanisms of action which are extremely useful for high risk patients. Amorphous calcium phosphate, pH modifiers, fluoride supplements and xylitol and bioactive materials will be advocated as alternate and supplemental methods for treating high caries risk patients. Useful instrument modifications will be shown to improve the patient’s ability to maintain your restorative treatments. This program addresses caries management by risk assessment to identify an indivjdual’s risk level for dental caries, and provide proper current preventive treatment modalities and recommendations. Using case studies, participants will review and discuss how they can select appropriate therapies and home-applied practices to reverse or reduce caries. Emphasis is given on recognizing the changing paradigm in preventive care. After a review of currently available sweeteners, xylitol and the research on this sweetener will be provided.

Our Presenter:
John O. Burgess, D.D.S. is a graduate of Emory University School of Dentistry. He received his MS in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, Texas, completed a one year General Practice Residency and a two year General Dentistry Residency.

Currently Dr. Burgess is the assistant Dean for Clinical Research at the University of Alabama at Birmingham as well as Director of the Graduate Biomaterials Program. He has served as a military consultant in general dentistry to the Air Force Surgeon General. He received certification from the American Board of Dentistry and is a diplomat of the Federal Services Board of General Dentistry. He is a member of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, The Academy of Restorative Dentistry, the American Dental Association, the American and International Association for Dental Research, and the Academy of Operative Dentistry. Dr. Burgess is a fellow of the Academy of Dental Materials and the American College of Dentists. A prolific researcher, Dr. Burgess has authored more than 400 articles, abstracts and textbook chapters and currently receives research funding from federal and industry sources. He is a reviewer for four dental journals and is a member of the advisory board for the Dental Advisor and the Editorial Board for Inside Dentistry. He is a past chair of the Biomaterials Section of the American Association for Dental Schools and has served on the Executive Board for the American Association for Dental Research. Currently he is a member of the American Dental Association’s Council on Scientific Affairs and a member of two ADA committees for specification development for materials and devices. He is active in clinical evaluations of dental materials and is an investigator on clinical protocols evaluating adhesives, ceramic restoratives, fluoride releasing materials, low shrinkage posterior composites and impression materials. Dr. Burgess lectures extensively nationally and internationally and has presented more than 900 continuing education courses.

Dr. Burgess is married to a wonderful lady, Patricia. They now reside in Birmingham, Alabama.

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